7° Congreso Internacional Ibero-panamericano de Medicina Interna



XLVIII Jornadas Nacionales de Residencias de Medicina Clínica
XV Jornadas Internacionales de Residentes de Medicina Interna

Congreso: 7 -10 Noviembre—2023 


We hope to have the active participation of the scientific societies of Clinical Medicine and Internal Medicine from our country, represented by the MEDICAL CLINIC FORUM, as well as societies from abroad (FIMI-EFIM-AMICAC-SEMI, etc.), and the vast majority of specialty scientific societies within the field of Medicine.

Additionally, we are looking forward to the involvement of university forums from the most prestigious national and international universities. We expect to have thousands of online attendees during the congress and also after the event for post-congress activities.

Congress Agenda:

The congress will cover 128 main topics, presented in 6 simultaneous classrooms by distinguished professionals from the academic and clinical research fields. These experts will come from Argentina, as well as various countries across Latin America, North America, and Europe.

Ver PROGRAMA preliminar aquí

Trabajos Científicos

Nueva propuesta para abstracts en dos idiomas 

Dear internists from around the world,

On behalf of the Argentine Society of Medicine and in collaboration with the International Forum of Internal Medicine, we are excited to extend an invitation for the dissemination, visibility, and recognition of scientific abstracts in both Spanish and English at the upcoming SAM FMC FIMI SAMIG Congress on November 7-10, 2023.

To facilitate this process, we have established a digital platform where you can submit your abstracts (in Spanish or English) according to their respective categories. There is also an opportunity to compete for various awards in alignment with the scientific regulations, which offer more than 30 prizes in each category, including free communications, clinical cases, case series, qualitative research, and programs/projects.

We kindly request that all abstracts be presented in PowerPoint format with 8-10 slides, formatted in an ateneo or similar style.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and sharing your valuable research at the congress.

             Los trabajos cientificos se pueden presentar de dos maneras:

1. On-Site Attendance in Buenos Aires from November 7th to 10th, in Spanish or English:

By choosing this option, you will have the opportunity to attend the congress in person at our venues in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can immerse yourself in the city’s culture, experience our vibrant atmosphere, and indulge in a variety of culinary delights that the city has to offer.

2. Virtual Attendance via Zoom from November 6th to 10th, in Spanish or English:

Opting for virtual attendance allows you to participate in the congress from the comfort of your home or office through Zoom. This option comes with the advantage of reduced expenses, as you only need to pay the registration.

For both presentation formats, we will be organizing 90-minute sessions in Spanish and English, featuring 9-10 works each. These sessions will be presided over by a jury consisting of two internal medicine and specialty experts.Each presentation will be allocated 7 minutes, followed by a 3-5 minute discussion period.

Furthermore, all abstracts will receive a certificate of presentation and authorship.Both countries with agreements with SAM FIMI and resident fellows/beneficiary abstracts will be eligible for a special discount.One of the overarching benefits is becoming a part of a new global network in Internal Medicine and Clinical Medicine, alongside SAM, FIMI, and EFIM.


X Congreso Internacional de Medicina Hospitalaria
Tal cual sucediese en el 2012, la SAM se encuentra abocada a realizar un importante desarrollo en el nuevo rol del internista actual que es la Medicina Hospitalaria.
Para ello se contará en eminentes docentes del exterior y de países vecinos, con el fin de ir juntando voluntades para los tiempos que vienen en los sistemas de atención médica hospitalaria

IV Jornada de la European Federation in Internal Medicine (EFIM)

Por primera en latinoamerica, tendremos la oportunidad de contar con un variado número de excelentes profesores líderes en medicina interna de sus respectivos países de Europa y Asia

Tal como años anteriores a través de las Jornadas de residentes, los mismos tendrán una participación activa en el temario científico, en las disertaciones, producción científica y funciones varias en el Congreso Internacional

Ver Residencias aquí 

Los esperamos ! Click en imágenes 

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