7° Congreso Internacional Ibero-panamericano de Medicina Intern6
Congreso: 7 – 10 Noviembre – 2023
All abstracts must be registered, and this registration includes all authors (with no additional payment required). Authors must also complete this link under the ‘Congress’ category.
Payment for congress registration, either as an attendee or through abstract submission, includes access to the exciting pre-congress activities. Payments can be made via electronic systems and/or following the payment instructions sent via email.
If you have acquired sponsorship grants, please clarify this, and you will receive a link for congress/pre-congress access at the appropriate time. The registration fees can be found on the registration website.
Once the abstracts for 2023 are accepted, payments for the registration of accepted scientific abstracts will be collected (awaiting acceptance). The earlier the payment is made, the lower the fee!
Each registered abstract allows the registration of ALL its authors (recommended no more than 10), provided their personal information has been fully submitted in the abstract submission form. This grants them access to the congress without any additional charges.
At the bottom of the page, you will find tables with the fees for the abstracts. The variation depends on the date of abstract submission and payment. Please ensure correct name and surname for obtaining the Author’s certificate.
El pago para autores domiciliados en el exterior de Argentina debe realizarse en https://www.myhntbank.com/v2/checkout?id=8EIXFEDANsi3qZF9ypcRF6ZjTo
Una vez efectuado el pago enviar el comprobante del mismo al e-mail sociedadargentinademedicina@gmail.com, indicando: el número de trabajo y el nombre completo de todos los autores que están inscriptos, con sus respectivos e-mails y celulares
Aranceles de los asistentes que no presentan trabajos domiciliados en Argentina (deben transferirse a la cuenta de la Sociedad)
Banco Santander Río, sucursal 197
CBU 07201970 20000001356854
CUIT nº 30-67599118-5
Aranceles de los asistentes que no presentan trabajo domiciliados en el exterior de Argentina https://www.myhntbank.com/v2/checkout?id=PhgVRQcIjkeX2XFlpTFmOIWzf0
Una vez efectuado el pago enviar el comprobante del mismo al e-mail sociedadargentinademedicina@gmail.com , el nombre completo del profesional inscripto, con sus respectivos e-mails y celular
------------------------------------------------------------------ Aranceles de trabajos
Paymente Before 30 September | Payment After 30 September |
En secretaria del congreso, al acreditarse, obtendrán el QR de ingreso
Botón inscripción de ASISTENTES aquí
En secretaria del congreso, al acreditarse, obtendrán el QR de ingreso
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